Sunday, June 7, 2009

Day 7.2

Interview with Bogdana went quite well.

Still processing...

On the frivolous side today I got The Prisoner of Azkaban, Where's Waldo in Hollywood, and a Tintin collection in Serbian!!! annnd, even better, I successfully paid for them using only Serbian! (Vesna you should be very proud :-p)

I also made a waiter laugh by ordering in Serbian, I guess my accent was bad but he said he understood me. Speaking of which, yesterday I forgot to mention, I went to buy musli, and yogurt at a corner store and freaked the clerk out because he honest to goodness thought I spoke Serbian-- I should explain-- I've gotten good at doing the smiling and nodding thing when I kind of understand what's going on through body language and minimal language skills. Apparenty I did such a good job that he totally bought it-- it took a few seconds to convince him that I actually had no idea what he had been saying. Luckily he thought it was funny! Once again I'm the wierd American girl traipsing around a foreign country trying not to act like an idiot and often failing.

Experiences like these are helping to balance the intensity of my interviews.
Sigh... okay so tomorrow I have a meeting with Dusan Pavlovic at the Faculty of Political Science at 12:30. Planning on taking my first Serbian taxi! (thanks once again Vesna for the number!) I tried to figure out the buses but I couldn't find a bus map anywhere online. I probably should have just gone to a bus stop or some place for a hard copy but silly me I'm used to everything being online accessible. Oh well. According to my maps it's only a few km away so shouldn't be a big deal. I'm going to call at 11 and hopefully it'll all work out!!!

Missing everyone and for all my non-Serb readers-- you must put Belgrade at the top of your international travel to-do list. :-D

1 comment:

  1. I am proud of you in every way! Please, practice the language as much as possible!!!
